What does human meat taste like?
A)It has a sweet, salty-ish taste, depending on which part you consume. For instance, arms and legs are tougher, the thighs are saltier, while the buttocks is sweeter. I personally enjoy the head the best (tastes great baked!), but the ears always make a tasty snack. For beginners, I suggest eating babies. A lot easier to find and a lot easier to cook. But if you really want to know how human meat tastes like without actually eating humans (although I have no idea why you wouldn't want to...), placenta tastes quite a bit like soft human meat. Just google "how to eat placenta" or "placenta recipes" and you'll find lots of helpful recipes and ideas.
B)Alfred Packer, a man who resorted to cannibalism after being trapped by a snowstorm in the mountains, said that human meat tastes sweet but also very salty, and is similar to pork. Again, as many others have said, it's unlikely that you ate human meat. The few cultures that still practice cannibalism do so ritualistically, so you would definitely know it wasn't normal food. There would be a ceremony and it would be made very clear what you were eating.
C)Just like chicken, yummm...with all the sauces on it can you even tell the different types of meat served...they all taste the same. But don't worry, I doubt it was human, my bet is either cat or dog, but then they only reserve that to special guest who would appreciate the taste, so most likely it was chicken.
D)well think about the crap humans put in their bodies, oils and greases french fries,chocolate bars coca cola and looks at the foods an animal eat. theeat healthier than humans. animals don't eat grease and oil they eat sraw,fiber foods,meats from animals,grass. god made animals so man can use them for food because human meat was never meant to be a food in the beginning
E)According to my teacher's war buddy, it supposedly tastes like pork. He only found out because he was always carrying burn victims into the MASH units, and he'd always smell pork sandwiches when he was moving them. To this day, the man won't eat pork sandwiches, and only eats bacon if he has to, because they're too similar in his mind.
Source: Yahoo Answers
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