At the end of the day, do what you want to do!

If you are indecisive and you always rely on people to makes decisions for you/take advice from people, do not get married! When you start asking for people's opinion, two things can happen - you are either made it destroyed. However, if someone from nowhere gives you advice, just ask yourself, is that what I want, what's her motive??????

Recently, I got married and it seems everyone is a relationship adviser. Before everyone was always asking when I would get married, now the question is ' when are you having babies?????

Some say I should start asap while others say I should wait a year or two before trying. On my way back from work this morning, an older woman just took it upon herself to advise me. Before I got married, this woman was always like ' get married and have a baby asap. Now, the tune has changed.

This morning, she advised me to enjoy my hubby for a year or two for the following reasons: travel the world, work hard to be very financially stable so your children can enjoy.

What do I think ???? She should back off . Is she the one in the marriage? At the end of the day, hubby and I know what we both want!!!!

Gerara here mennnnn - shi ebe a puo in igbo!!!!!!!!!!!
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