Cheating is unacceptable

I hate people who cheat whether in relationship or business - cheating is unacceptable (is honesty a punishable crime). Let me tell you one or two stories.

On my way to Lagos last week, I stopped over at Ore to stretch my legs and to buy one or two things. I just thought I would buy groundnuts because I liked what I saw. I went over to the woman and bought 300 naira worth of the item. I handed her over 500 naira and then I demanded my change, she said she did not have change. What was she expecting me to do? 

Look for my change? Hand you over the change on a platter of gold??? Yes, done might say Obiamaka it's only 200 naira but the truth is that my change is my change and all that matters is the principle!!! She was trying to play a fast one on me not knowing that a chick like me is always twenty and more steps away. She wasn't incapacitated that she couldn't go around to find change!!!!

Then I said to her, I will give you the groundnuts back if you cannot produce my change and I will take my money back . Then the 'miraculous' happened. As a result of my spoken words , she suddenly had changed!!!!

So, if I hadn't acted, she would have 'chopped' my money. Ndi mmadu eh. Let me tell you another story ....,

When I got to Lagos airport, I had two big boxes and a small one, therefore, I needed help. One of the porters helped to carry my things from outside the airport to where I would check in which took only one minute. When I asked him how much I would pay him, he said 2000 naira. Whatttt????? I exclaimed and I was not reluctant to tell him what I thought.

I thought he was trying to exhort me and I told him that if that was really what he was due, I would quit my job and become a porter!! Seeing that people were looking at us, he 'changed his mind' and said 'pay me an amount you feel like' and I was like 'of course I will pay you what I think is the right amount'. I gave him 500 naira ( I was probably being a little bit 'generous). So, he would have taken 2000 naira if I had paid him that amount. Onye oshi in broad daylight!!!!!

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